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pet parents and pet siblings!

How to Keep your Fur Baby Calm During Fireworks

Preparing Your Fur Baby for Fireworks

With the holiday season fast approaching, it’s important to prepare your furry friends for a potentially unsettling experience: fireworks. While many people look forward to this dazzling display of lights and sound, the explosive noise can be incredibly distressing for Fur Babies. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to keep your four-legged companions calm during fireworks. So, buckle up and let’s delve into some helpful tips!

Create a safe haven
Firstly, designate a secure and comfortable space where your fur baby can retreat when they feel anxious or scared. This could be a cozy room with their bed, favorite toys, and a few hiding spots. Ensure that this space is familiar and consider playing soothing background music to drown out loud noises.
Exercise early on
Take your fur babies for a long walk or play an engaging game earlier in the day to help them expend energy. Physical exercise will leave them tired and more likely to relax once evening fireworks commence.
Comfort through company
Familiar faces bring solace during stressful times. Stay by your fur baby's side if possible and provide loving reassurance. Offer affectionate touches, gentle pats, and speak to them soothingly—your presence alone can be greatly comforting.
Noise-masking tools
Providing additional layers of comfort can alleviate anxiety. Use white noise machines, fans, or calming music that will muffle intrusive sounds, making them less alarming for your fur babies. There are also specialized CDs or phone apps aimed specifically at reducing stress in fur babies.
Distraction therapy
Engage your fur babies with interactive toys or puzzles to distract them from the outside commotion. These toys will focus their attention on something positive and enjoyable rather than the disturbing fireworks.  
Consult your vet
It's always wise to seek professional advice from your veterinarian if you know fireworks will disturb your fur baby. They may suggest alternative solutions, such as sedatives or mild anti-anxiety medications to be used in extreme cases.
Tire them mentally
Mental stimulation can tire fur babies just as much as physical exertion. Therefore, consider activities that challenge their brainpower, such as treat-dispensing toys or simple obedience exercises. A tired mind often leads to a sleepy and relaxed fur baby. 
Use compression garments
Wrap your fur babies with specially designed anxiety-reducing garments like ThunderShirts, which provide gentle pressure on their bodies. These can have a calming effect similar to swaddling a baby.
Create a cozy den
Make sure access points to the outside are minimized so that your fur baby cannot flee during moments of panic. Close doors and windows, draw curtains, and maintain good ventilation to ensure safe space while blocking out flashes of light.
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Want to Improve Your Pet Parenting Skills?

While it’s easy to get used to having a bundle of furry joy around, it can be overwhelming to understand if you’re giving them the correct level of care. Our Pet Care Basics 101 Courses will show you everything you need to know fur a happy, healthy, Fur Baby!

Make the responsible choice; educate yourself on how to care fur a Fur Baby the right way with Pet Care Basics 101 Courses.

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We Teach and Inspire You to be Great Pet Parents and Pet Siblings!

We turn pet owners and pet siblings into Pet Parents and Pet Siblings by ensuring they are fully educated and hold a Pet Care Certification before they can adopt.

We teach you how to care fur your Fur Baby using the right approaches, techniques, and knowledge.

Our passionate staff has designed 4-week in-person classes to offer you the infurmation you’ve always wanted to know prior to adopting at Pet Care Basics 101.

Learn secrets, tips, and vital facts of keeping your Fur Babies in the best possible living condition! 

Make the responsible choice; educate yourself on how to care for a Fur Baby the right way with Pet Care Basics 101.

Identification is key

Despite all your efforts, sometimes unpredictable events occur. To increase the chances of being reunited with a frightened pet, make certain they are wearing up-to-date identification tags. Microchipping is another invaluable safeguard for proper identification if they do manage to escape.

Don't Have Proper Identification for your Fur Baby?

That’s okay! There is so much to prepare for when adopting a Fur Baby, it’s easy to miss a thing or two. That’s why we’ve designed a course that will strengthen your skills as a Pet Parent to ensure you’re creating the best life possible for your Fur Baby. 

Our Pet Care Basics 101 course will equip you with everything you’ll need to to know to become a responsible Pet Parent. From planning walking schedules to building a plan for emergency situations, Pet Care Basics 101 is here to make sure you feel confident and proud as a pet parent.   

Responsible Pet Parenting Starts Here!

From Body Language to Diet - Pet Care Basics 101 Covers it All!

We Teach and Inspire You to be Great Pet Parents and Pet Siblings!

The driving force behind Pet Care Basics 101 is our love for Fur Babies. We want to see Fur Babies leave shelters and rescues brighten the homes of responsible Pet Parents. This is why we’ve created the Pet Care Basics 101 Courses. If you’re considering adding a Fur Baby to your family the first time, seasoned Pet Parents or just want to improve your Fur Baby’s quality of life, this course will show you the way to give your Fur Baby a long life full of happiness and comfort. Make a responsible choice and show your furry family members how much you love them. Learn how to prevent costly illnesses, when to take your Fur Baby to the vet, understand your Fur Baby’s body language, and more!

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