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pet parents and pet siblings!

Are you Being Cruel to Your Fur Baby? | 3 Trends of Animal Cruelty That Go Unnoticed

What You Think Is Fun Could Be Harming Your Fur Baby

Pet owners who tease their Fur Babies, whether with toys or food, think it’s so cute fur them to tease the dog or cat with the toys or food by putting just out of their reach. (Pet Parents know better than to do this. They think it’s cruel and inhumane.) When a dog is constantly jumping fur a toy or holding a piece of food just out of reach, and making them “beg” fur it,  is cruel and inhumane. 

In this post, we  cover actions like this and more that that seem harmless, but can actually break down the trust you’ve established with your Fur Baby.

Teasing Your Fur Baby

Teasing your dog and making them beg fur things like toys or pieces of food may seem harmless or even cute, but it can actually have negative effects on both their physical and emotional well being.

As a Loving Pet Parent, you always want to refrain from harming your Precious Fur Baby’s well being, whether Physical, Emotional or Mental.

This Can Create Frustration and Anxiety

Firstly, teasing your dog by withholding toys or treats can create frustration and anxiety. Dogs have a natural desire to want to play and explore their environment, and when they are prevented from doing so, they may feel uneasy and stressed. This stress can manifest in a range of behaviours, such as destructive chewing, excessive barking or obsessive compulsive behaviour.

Breaks Down Trust Between You and Your Fur Baby

Additionally, making your Dog beg fur things like food or attention can break down trust between you and your pet. Dogs instinctually seek approval and acceptance from those they see as their leader or provider. When they are denied these basic needs without reason, it can lead to feelings of confusion, insecurity, and mistrust

Remember these Precious Little Fur Babies have feelings , can feel rejection, and can have mental and emotional issues like a two legged child. Treasure them fur their whole Life. Stop thinking of ways you can tease them.

Unnecessary Frustration

Furthermore, teasing your dog with physically inaccessible items can cause unnecessary frustration and disappointment. Your dog relies on you to provide them with the essentials they need to thrive, including food, water, and stimulation. By refusing to share these resources, you are depriving your dog of necessary benefits that contribute to their overall health and happiness.

Emotional Abuse

Overall, while teasing and making your Dog beg fur things may seem like an innocent game, it is important to recognize the potential harm it can cause both emotionally and physically. It’s best to avoid engaging in these behaviours altogether and instead focus on building a strong bond based on mutual respect and trust.

Non-Stop Tickling

Another thing that Pet owners do is tickle their Fur Baby (usually a Dog, as a Cat will usually nip you to stop). It may seem “cute” that the Dog is “scratching his tummy” but this is like tickling your child or spouse and they are laughing but are unable to stop because you just keep tickling them. 

Tickling your Fur Baby may seem like a harmless way to bond and have fun with them, but it can actually be quite cruel. While some Fur Babies may enjoy being tickled at first, the sensation can quickly turn into discomfort or even pain.

This Can Cause Physical Discomfort

Tickling your Fur Baby can cause physical discomfort. When we tickle our furry friends, we are often touching sensitive areas such as their belly, paws, and armpits. These areas can be incredibly vulnerable fur Fur Babies and may even cause them to flinch or move away from the tickling act. Additionally, tickling can cause muscle tension and spasms in Fur Babies which can be painful and unpleasant.

Psychologically Tickling Can Mentally and Emotionally Harm Your Fur Baby

Psychologically, tickling can also be harmful to your Fur Baby. While they may initially react playfully to tickling, over time, they may begin to associate the sensation with fear or stress. This is because when we tickle our Fur Babies, we are taking control of their bodies without their consent or understanding. In response, many Fur Babies will want to escape, squirm, or even bite to get away from the feeling which can lead to injuries and trauma.

Not a Means of Bonding

If you want to show your love and affection fur your Fur Baby, there are plenty of other ways to do so, such as playing fetch, cuddling, giving treats or simply spending quality time together. Stop using tickling as a means of bonding with your Fur Baby as it can ultimately harm their physical, emotional and mental well-being. Instead (when it’s a Dog) take them outside and exercise with them by running, playing ball, go biking or take them fur a hike, When it’s a Cat or a Bunny, cuddle with them or play with them.

Respect Your Fur Baby

It’s important to remember that just because we find something amusing or enjoyable doesn’t mean our Fur Babies do too. They rely on us to treat them with kindness and respect and to understand their needs and their boundaries. Respect them as a Precious Living Being. They deserve it.

Using Fur Babies Fur Combat

Teaching a Fur Baby to fight and attack is animal cruelty as it goes against their natural instincts. (They fight when they are protecting their territory, a mate or their food.) Your Fur Baby is a source of love, loyalty, and companionship. They rely on us humans fur protection, care, and guidance.

When teaching dogs to fight and attack on command, one must understand that this could eventually cost this treasured  Fur Baby his or her life. When you teach a cherished Fur Baby bad things, and you think it’s cute because this is how you think it’s macho or cool so you can brag to your friends, just remember this important being could lose their life because of your reckless actions.

This Can Have Serious Consequences

Encouraging your Fur Baby to become aggressive or violent towards other Fur Babies or people can have serious consequences. Not only does this put others at risk, but it also puts your Fur Baby in danger of being hurt or killed by an opponent who may be more skilled or stronger.

Encourages Behavioral Problems

Fur Babies who are taught to be aggressive tend to display behavioral problems such as aggression, anxiety, and fear. These behaviors can cause them to lash out at strangers, children, or even the owners themselves. In some cases, these behaviors are so severe that euthanasia becomes the only option.

Sometimes humans never stop to think of the consequences that could come to a helpless Fur Baby due to their thoughtless actions.

Attached is a link to Dorothy Law Nolte’s poem, “Children Learn What They Live”. This poem is amazing whether you are teaching two-legged or four-legged children.


Forceful Teaching

Moreover, using forceful methods to teach your Fur Baby aggressive behavior can be psychologically damaging and traumatizing. Teaching based on punishment rather than positive reinforcement not only undermines your bond with your Fur Baby but also creates an unhealthy power dynamic where you are perceived as a threat instead of a Pet Parent.

You want your Fur Baby to trust and love you,  instead of fearing you every time they see you. You want them to trust you to the point that no matter what, they know you will never hurt them.

It Goes Against Their Nature

In conclusion, teaching your Fur Baby to fight and attack is never a good idea. It goes against their nature, causing psychological damage, undermining any bond you have, and putting both them and others in danger. Love, patience, and understanding are the keys to happy and Fur Babies.

Just remember these Fur Babies carry so much emotional, physical and psychological baggage when a human who is uneducated does all these horrible things to them. They deserve only love and all the good things an educated Pet Parent can provide.

Trust Issues Are Human-Created

At the end of the day, these valuable Fur Babies are living beings, and their life needs be treasured as you need to feel yours is. Like human children, Fur Babies only have two fears when they are born – the fear of loud noises and falling. The only difference between the two is one has four legs, a tail, and grows its clothes, while the other has two legs. They both come out of the womb innocent, loving, and with no preconceived trust issues.

Trust issues are human-created. Just like adults, when another person causes us to mistrust, this is what happens to both two and four-legged babies.

Change Your Approach To Teaching and Fun

Think of the times you are bullying your Fur Baby or human baby. When they don’t do what you want them to when you want them to, then you subtly do something revengeful. Maybe another way of getting them to do something you want is changing how you approach the situation.

Whether it be a  Fur or a human  Baby, get creative and make it fun. This is similar to the tone of voice you use. This is not the same as calling them in a nice voice only to punish them. You can raise your voice one octave when you don’t want them to do something. When you use the same tone, they will learn to distrust you because you’ve used the same tone fur something good as something bad. (This is also animal cruelty.) Fur Babies are pretty smart. Never underestimate their intelligence.

Like Two-Legged Children, Fur Babies Learn What They Live

Again, the poem by Dorothy Law Nolte, Children Learn What They Live is true that what you teach your Fur or human baby is the end result of how they will act to you and others. When you treat every living being with love and kindness and are non-judgmental, think of what a better world we make fur our Fur Babies, family, life and the future.

Want to Improve Your Pet Parenting Skills?

While it’s easy to get used to having a bundle of furry joy around, it can be overwhelming to understand if you’re giving them the correct level of care. Our Pet Care Basics 101 Courses will show you everything you need to know fur a happy, healthy, Fur Baby!

Make the responsible choice; educate yourself on how to care fur a Fur Baby the right way with Pet Care Basics 101.

Now Enrolling Fur Classes!

Become a Better Pet Parent Today!

We Teach and Inspire You to be Great Pet Parents and Pet Siblings!

We turn pet owners and pet siblings into Pet Parents and Pet Siblings by ensuring they are fully educated and hold a Pet Care Certification before they can adopt.

We teach you how to care fur your Fur Baby using the right approaches, techniques, and knowledge.

Our passionate staff has designed 4-week in-person classes to offer you the infurmation you’ve always wanted to know prior to adopting at Pet Care Basics 101.

Learn the secrets, tips, and vital facts of keeping your Fur Babies in the best possible living conditions!

Make the responsible choice; educate yourself on how to care for a Fur Baby the right way with Pet Care Basics 101.

In The Future, Think About Your Actions Toward Both Four -and Two-Legged Babies Before You Do It

When you ask yourself, “Would I like to be treated this way by someone?” This might stop you from teaching both kinds of babies something cruel and sadistic.

So, when you start to think about adopting a new Fur Baby home, please take the time to educate yourself on how to be the great Pet Parents and Pet Siblings  this precious Fur Baby deserves.

These classes are designed to educate you, your significant other, and any family member who will have any interaction with this precious baby. You will be glad you did and be more aware of how you want to your new baby to be treated. Remember you are investing in yourself and the baby’s life.

Responsible Pet Parenting Starts Here!

From Body Language to Diet - Pet Care Basics 101 Covers it All!

We Teach and Inspire You to be Great Pet Parents and Pet Siblings!

The driving force behind Pet Care Basics 101 is our Love  and Passion fur Fur Babies.  We want to see Fur Babies who leave rescues and shelters brighten the homes of educated and responsible Pet Parents and Pet Siblings.  This is why we created the Pet Care Basics 101 Courses. 

When you and your family are considering adding a Fur Baby to your family fur the first time or are a seasoned Pet Parents and/or Pet Siblings or just want to improve your Fur Baby’s quality of Life, these Courses will show you the way to give your Fur Baby a long Life full of Happiness and Comfort.

Make the responsible choice and show your furry family members how much you Love them. Learn how to prevent costly illnesses, when to take your Fur Baby to the doctor, understand your Fur Baby’s body language and more!

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